作家 / artist





そのきっかけとなったのは、30代の頃、実家にあった色褪せた家紋入りの愛染めに出会ったこと でした。 古布ならではの見事な風合いや色彩、文様の美しさ、その背景にある歴史や心情などに心を奪わ れ、少しずつ収集し現代に甦らせる作品を制作。気がつけば200点以上になり、これらを必要と してくださる方に届けたいと思うようになりました。

還暦を過ぎた頃より、古き布に絹糸で新しい命を吹き込む日本刺繍の技法を教わり、その素晴ら しさに魅了され、屏風、額装、掛け軸など作品の幅が広がり、尊い古布たちを暮らしの中に生か せることに大きな喜びを感じております。

年に何度か田舎暮らしをし、四季の移ろいを感じながら作業台の前に座り、至福の時間を過ごせ ることに感謝しつつ、今日も一針一針プツプツと針を通す音を心地よく聞きながら手を動かして おります。

70代後半になりましたが、日本の伝統、文化を次の世代へつないでいきたいという情熱、創作意 欲に溢れております。


Thank you for visiting.

I have been fascinated by old cloth from the good old days of Japan, and for many years I have enjoyed using old cloth to create various handicrafts.

It all started when I was in my 30s and came across a faded piece of love-dyed cloth with a family crest at my parents’ house. I was fascinated by the beautiful texture, colors, and patterns unique to old cloth, as well as the history and emotions behind them, and I started collecting them little by little and creating works that revived them in the modern era. Before I knew it, I had over 200 pieces, and I wanted to give them to people who needed them.

Around the time I turned 60, I learned the technique of Japanese embroidery, which breathes new life into old cloth with silk thread, and I was fascinated by its beauty. The range of my works expanded to include folding screens, framing, and hanging scrolls, and I feel great joy in being able to use precious old cloth in my daily life.

I spend several times a year living in the countryside, feeling the changing seasons as I sit at my workbench and enjoy these blissful times. Today, too, I work, listening to the soothing sound of the needle threading one stitch at a time.

Although I’m in my late 70s, I’m still filled with a passion and creative desire to pass on Japanese traditions and culture to the next generation.